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Hello and Welcome!

The Community of PACK Life is the Colorado Springs-based church providing spiritual growth, education, and resources to those who see the strength in Community. We are here to help people find their strongest sense of self and reclaim tomorrow away from their anxieties and fears. 


The Book of Guidances is here! 


After a year of growth, learning, and shared experiences, we have put to paper what it means to be part of The Community. This is not a rigid doctrine but a living text—one that evolves as we do, reflecting our values, our wisdom, and our commitment to each other.

This book is both a foundation and an invitation. It offers insight into our Universal Truths, the principles of PACK Life, and the path we walk together. As we grow, so will these teachings, shaped by the voices and experiences of those who call this Community home.

Learn about the Community
on our Mission Page!

In Light of Recent News

We are - and always will be - a source of strength and support. In the face of hate, bigotry, and fascism, we have to stand firm in our beliefs and continue to honor the mission to "fight malice where it stands." This means speaking out against racism, and sexism, and calling out passive attempts at the same kind of hate.


In the face of such vileness, you must stand against it. Your voice must be heard. Blind unity is blind acceptance, and we acknowledge the tolerance paradox here. There is no bread to break with people on the wrong side of progress.


Fight. Draw boundaries and fortify yourself.


Anytime people's autonomy or existence is threatened, on a local level or national one, we will be a voice. There is no room for passivity. We need strength, Community, and passion.


You are loved. Your identity is valid. And we will do this together.

we thank the news sources who have helped us honor of mission of transparency by sharing our story


Open Hours


Monday -

Tuesday -

Wednesday -

Thursday -

Friday -

Sat/Sun -

Events Only

Current Members 12p-6p

Appt Only - No Open Hours




Events & Appt Only

1790 Meadowbrook Pkwy

Colorado Springs, 80951


We come together from different backgrounds and experiences but stand united on the foundation of Three Universal Truths. From there, we strive to be a part of a healthy, strong, Communal Experience, and follow the principles of PACK Life

Universal Truths

The Communal Understandings

There are many things that are undeniable truths in our Universe. Of these, we build our community on the Three that strengthen us the most and allow us the ability to find peace and resolve. 

1. Revere The Self

Don't Serve From An Empty Plate

Millions of years lined up to bring your glorious existence into this time and space. We owe no great responsibility to the Universe but to live with authenticity. We Revere the Self by taking care of ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. 

2. Embrace the Communal Experience 

United We Are Powerful

We are social creatures and escape our primitive life through cooperation and compassion. We are meant to come together and embrace one another's Reality to form the Communal Experience. United we are greater than the sum of our parts. Through community all burdens become lighter.

3. The Universe Provides

Stop - Breathe - Listen

The Universe will find balance and we can only act with the tools we have within our grasp. We acknowledge the mysteries of the Universe and accept the responsibility that we must still act and live with purpose. The Universe Provides us the time to find answers - We only have to look. 

The Values of PACK Life


In Community, we find protection from the dangers from both the world around us and the dangers within. Our connections with others can support us when we feel frail or wounded, and we can return the kindness when we feel resilient.


We let our value of Protection echo:

Passion. Purpose. Power.

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