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Your donations allow us to continue our mission of connecting people with the empowerment of community and the healing properties of natural medicines.
If you are able, consider a financial donation to help us continue our momentum. All gifts and events are provided for free to allow people to reclaim their wellness and find community again. Your donation helps keep this accessible to all
Everyone brings different resources to the Community and we are thankful for everyone's time and energy. Below you can see the current projects throughout the Community that have a need for certain skills.
If you would rather donate a specific item/asset to the Community you can find our Amazon Wishlist and top needs below as well.
Other Donations
You can send donations via PayPal or Zelle to
Supplies Needed
We produce much of our own mycology supplies, but can always use help! This allows us to place time elsewhere in the Community.
Grain jars, grain bags, unpasteurized coir, live cultures, agar plates!
Time and Skills
The current big project is turning pallets into planters for the Communal Garden!
Want to come help tear apart pallets, sand wood, or put pieces together? Reach out!
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